


2024 Cal Career & Internship Fair:  STEM Day 2 (In-Person)
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location:  University of California, Berkeley
Recreational Sports Facility (RSF), Kleeberger Field House

The Cal Career & Internship Fair is expressly for recruiting for full-time and internship opportunities focused on opportunities for students in all areas of science, technology, engineering, and math, including:

  • data science, AI, machine learning, statistics, economics, industrial engineering and operations research (IEOR);
  • electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, medical devices, automotive and autonomous vehicles, robotics;
  • networking, cybersecurity, fintech, the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products, and other related fields.

Harvey Mudd Fall Fair 2024 (In-Person)
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location:  Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
Linde Activities Center
450 E. Foothill Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711

Our On Campus Fair is a great way to interact with Harvey Mudd students. This event is geared towards those seeking students in all STEM majors. The fair is only open to HMC and the Claremont consortium students and alumni. 



Outreach session for Harvey Mudd College graduating seniors
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2023
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Location: Shanahan Center, Room 2461, Harvey Mudd College
Sign up: To register for this event, please email Alicia Creger at by September 13, 2023.

Lunch will be served!

Attend our session to learn about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering and how you can apply for a Schmidt Scholar position. We are only seeking graduating HMC, Caltech & Berkeley seniors (Spring, 2024) to apply as Schmidt Scholars. You will also meet up with Professor Mike Gurnis, Director for Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering, Donnie Pinkston, a Schmidt Software Academy Instructor, and several current Schmidt Scholars.

The Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering provides a unique training opportunity for recent undergraduate students with strong software engineering interest to advance discovery. Through their work with the Schmidt Academy, Schmidt Scholars will transform software engineering practices and enable research groups to pursue new scientific and technological advances that would not be feasible otherwise.

Schmidt Scholars will participate in a bootcamp in software engineering and will be embedded within a Caltech or Carnegie Institution of Science research group for one to two-year periods, supporting innovative science and facilitating computational approaches across campus. Upon completing the Academy, Schmidt Scholars will have excellent career opportunities both in industry and via graduate school. The bootcamp will be run by and the scholars mentored by a Schmidt Academy Instructor, who will also interface directly with the Principal Investigators to help develop projects and ensure progress.

Schmidt Scholars will be employed as Caltech research staff members with industry-competitive salary and benefits.

Harvey Mudd CS faculty Katherine Breeden ( and Yi-Chieh (Jessica) Wu ( can also address questions you might have. Mike Gurnis ( and Donnie Pinkston ( are also available to answer your questions.

Outreach Session for Graduating CS seniors
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual Information Session for CS Seniors
Sign up: To register for this event and receive the Zoom link, email Alicia Creger at

Attend our session to learn and obtain information about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering at Caltech and how you can apply for a Schmidt position. Earn an industry-competitive salary while training to be a software engineer within a Caltech research project! We’re seeking Computer Science seniors graduating in Spring, 2024 to apply as a Schmidt Software Engineer. You will meet up with members of the Academy, including current Schmidt Scholars (Software Engineers). Hear the experiences of current engineers, learn about the application process, and ask questions in this interactive session.


September 8, 2022
Outreach Session for Harvey Mudd College Graduating Seniors

Shanahan Center 2454, Harvey Mudd College (12:00 – 1:00 pm)

Lunch will be served!

Attend our session to learn about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering and how you can apply for a Schmidt Scholar position. We are only seeking HMC, Caltech and UC Berkeley seniors graduating in Spring 2023 to apply as Schmidt Scholars. You will also meet up with Professor Mike Gurnis, Director for Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering, Donnie Pinkston, a Schmidt Software Academy Instructor, and several current Schmidt Scholars.

Outreach Session for Graduating CS seniors

Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual Information Session for CS Seniors
Sign up: To register for this event and receive the Zoom link, email Alicia Creger

Attend our session to learn and obtain information about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering at Caltech and how you can apply for a Schmidt position. Earn an industry-competitive salary while training to be a software engineer within a Caltech research project! We’re seeking Computer Science seniors graduating in Spring, 2023 to apply as a Schmidt Software Engineer. You will meet up with members of the Academy, including current Schmidt Scholars (Software Engineers). Hear the experiences of current engineers, learn about the application process, and ask questions in this interactive session.


In Person Lunch for CS Undergrad Students Opportunities with the Schmidt Academy

Date: Thursday, December 2, 2021
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Location: Tent Outside Annenberg Building (South Side) – FREE LUNCH!
Sign up: To register for this event, email Alicia Creger

Attend our In Person session to learn about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering at Caltech and how you can apply for a Schmidt position.  Earn an industry-competitive salary while training to be a software engineer within a Caltech research project! We’re seeking Computer Science seniors graduating in Spring, 2022 to apply as a Schmidt Software Engineer.  You will meet up with members of the Academic, including current Schmidt Scholars (Software Engineers). Hear the experiences of current engineers, learn about the application process, and ask questions in this in person session over lunch.

Outreach Session for graduating CS seniors

Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual Information Session for CS Seniors
Sign up: To register for this event and receive the Zoom link, email Alicia Creger

Attend our session to learn and obtain information about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering at Caltech and how you can apply for a Schmidt position. Earn an industry-competitive salary while training to be a software engineer within a Caltech research project! We’re seeking Computer Science seniors graduating in Spring, 2022 to apply as a Schmidt Software Engineer. You will meet up with members of the Academy, including current Schmidt Scholars (Software Engineers). Hear the experiences of current engineers, learn about the application process, and ask questions in this interactive session.

Outreach Session for graduating CS seniors

Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual Information Session for CS Seniors
Sign up: To register for this event and receive the Zoom link, email Alicia Creger

Attend our session to learn and obtain information about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering at Caltech and how you can apply for a Schmidt position. Earn an industry-competitive salary while training to be a software engineer within a Caltech research project! We’re seeking Computer Science seniors graduating in Spring, 2022 to apply as a Schmidt Software Engineer. You will meet up with members of the Academic, including current Schmidt Scholars (Software Engineers). Hear the experiences of current engineers, learn about the application process, and ask questions in this interactive session.

Outreach Session for graduating CS seniors
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual Information Session for CS Seniors
Sign up: To register for this event and receive the Zoom link, email Alicia Creger

Attend our session to learn and obtain information about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering at Caltech and how you can apply for a Schmidt Scholar position. Earn an industry-competitive salary while training to be a software engineer within a Caltech research project! We’re seeking Computer Science seniors graduating in Spring, 2022 to apply as a Schmidt Scholar. You will meet up with Dr. Mike Gurnis, Director for Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering, Harvey Mudd Professor Katherine Breeden, Schmidt Academy Instructors Donnie Pinkston and Dave Rumph, and current Schmidt Scholars. Hear the experiences of current Scholars, learn about the application process, and ask questions in this interactive session.


October 20, 2020
The Schmidt Academy will be at Techfest.
Come meet the Schmidt Scholars there.

October 7, 2020
Outreach session for graduating Caltech seniors
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Location: Zoom link.
Sign up: e-mail Alicia Creger

Attend our session to learn and obtain information about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering and how you can apply for a Schmidt Scholar position.  We will be seeking graduating Caltech seniors in Fall, 2020 to apply as a Schmidt Scholar.  You will also meet up with Dr. Mike Gurnis, Director for Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering, Dave Rumph, Senior Software engineer, and current Caltech graduates who are Schmidt Scholars. Hear the experiences of current Scholars and ask questions in this interactive session.

October 1, 2020
Caltech & HMC Fall Career Fair - Software Engineering/Data Science
11:00 am – 3:00 PM

The Schmidt Academy will have a virtual booth at the 2020 Career Fair. Come visit the booth and talk with members of the Schmidt Academy and hear about the opportunities for becoming a Schmidt Scholar starting in July of 2021.

September 25, 2020
Outreach session for graduating HMC seniors

Date: Friday, September 25, 2020
Time: 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: Zoom link.
Sign up: e-mail Alicia Creger

Attend our session to learn and obtain information about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering and how you can apply for a Schmidt Scholar position.  We will be seeking graduating Harry Mudd College seniors in Fall, 2020 to apply as a Schmidt Scholar.  You will meet up with Dr. Mike Gurnis, Director for Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering, HMC CS Faculty, Donnie Pinkston, Schmidt Academy Instructor, and current HMC graduates who are Schmidt Scholars. Hear the experiences of current Scholars and ask questions in this interactive session.


November 20, 2019
Outreach Session for Harvey Mudd Graduating Seniors
Shanahan Center 2465, Harvey Mudd College (12:00 – 1:00 pm)

Lunch will be served!

Attend our session to learn about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering and how you can apply for a Schmidt Scholar position. We’re only seeking graduating HMC & Caltech seniors in Fall, 2019 to apply as Schmidt Scholars. You will also meet up with Prof. Mike Gurnis, Director for Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering, Donnie Pinkston, a Schmidt Software Academy Instructor, and several current Schmidt Scholars.

October 14, 2019
The Schmidt Academy will be at Techfest.
Come meet the Schmidt Scholars there.

October 11, 2019
Outreach Session for Graduating Seniors
Annenberg 105 (12:00–1:00 pm)
Lunch will be served!
Attend our session to learn and obtain information about the Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering and how you can apply for a Schmidt Scholars position. We will be seeking graduating seniors in Fall, 2019 to apply as a Schmidt Scholar. You will also meet up with Dr. Mike Gurnis, Director for Schmidt Academy for Software Engineering, Donnie Pinkston, Schmidt Software Academy Instructor, the current Schmidt Scholars, and others involved with the Academy.